Saturday, April 25, 2020

10 Curated Images

I started with 2 models - one made from paper and another made from cardboard.

I made an improved paper model where the doors and windows can be opened.

From the paper model, I created another model from Balsa.
The reflective feature of the mirror is difficult to replicate hence I used Satin as it reflects light slightly.
For the bedsheet, I used the crumpling of paper technique.

As an alteration to the initial room, I wanted to add a window inspired by Chinese Tea Rooms, where the seating is often elevated and near a window overlooking nature.
I made a prototype for the tea room and experimented with wood as balustrade or ''glass'' (aimed to replicate through the clear plastic sheet).

Due to the location of the room, I decided to incorporate the Tea Room on a higher floor. I used photoshop to experiment with different materials that would suit the model.

After experimenting on Photoshop, due to the availability of resources, I decided to create a simpler feature wall instead.
I also added stools for seating.

This is the final design of the Tea Room.

In addition to the Tea Room, I also wanted to add an indoor Koi Pond as there was ample space next to the bed.

I created 2 sketches. The sketch on the left side is the chosen final design.
The design on the right side has clear glass in the middle of the wooden platform, allowing people to observe the fish as they use the space.
Ultimately I chose the Left-side design as it allowed more possible interactions with the Koi fishes.

I created another sketch to see the proposed Koi pond against the finished design.

Finally the finished model.

Name: Tranquil Space

Indoor Koi Pond - 5th Model

SCALE - 1:20
The ''water'' is created by mixing liquid glue with blue paint.
Using a small stick I drew the ''Koi'' using orange paint.
The stepping stones leads to a Wooden platform where people can sit and feed the fish. 

The ''wall'' is made from tracing paper. I intended to create a frosted glass appearance.

5th Model - Added a door

Monday, April 20, 2020

Photoshop - Texture

Cement, Bricks and Velvet
Background Image Source: Hoppipolla


Grey Oak (floor), Marbel (table) & wood

Location of Room - 4th Model



    Scale: 1:10                                                 

4th Model - Completed Conceptual Model

The light is focused on the room to make it stand out more.
As can be seen from the model, it is quite impossible to extend the room horizontally as there is another room next to it and green space below. Therefore I made the decision to extend it vertically.

The ''ceilings'' of rooms can be removed. When removed it reveals the layout of the rooms.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Tea Room - 3rd Model

                                                                                   SCALE - 1:20

 Created a design for the wall using cardboard


Process of creating the Tea Room.

The difference in the colour of stairs is meant to emphasise the different floors.
The third last step has been extended to become a desk.
The Balustrade is made from Balsa.


I aimed to mimic the texture of rough stone hence I crumpled tracing paper and stuck crumpled black and white paper to create a stone-like effect.

The prototype of the Tea room

3rd Model - Completed Tea Room + Initial room

The wall decoration on the second floor is made from an egg carton (blue) and felt (black).

The bookshelf underneath the stairs are small masu boxes.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Fusion 360


I tried different types of wood such as Oak and Mahogany, however, Bamboo was the appearance which compliments the combination of glass and gold the best.


The final environment of the model is Crossroad. I tried various environments such as Cool light, however, it made the model dull and darker in shade.